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How to write an article


Learning how to write an article is very good especially if you are an internet marketer or a webmaster learning this skill will go a long way in saving you some dollars you would have spent on buying or looking for people that will help you write your content. 

There are many things you can do with the article you have just written or you could be an experienced writer, good for you, the writing piece in your hand can fetch you lots of money, by selling it, or publishing on your site, 

You can as well use it to promote your products or that of an affiliate, there is so much you can do with the articles you got in your hands, that is the more reason you need to learn how to write like the professionals do.

You might have visited article directories and read lots of articles therein and wondered how can I air my view in these directories so that the world will get to know the stuff am made of, do not worry in a few minutes you will get to know the secrets on how to write and submit to directories and making sure your articles gets lots of page view.

Steps on how to write your first article and get massive view when you submit to sits that accept content.

Ø      Visiting another site for information

No matter the subject you are about to write on, someone has already written about it on the net, all you have to do is visit some few site especially article publishing sites , with your keyword on the their search box look you can get lots of write up that have more information about the topic you are about to write on.

All you have to do is to look for three or four of such write-up read them copy out the main this is what you will use in developing your content, but make sure when writing yours, you should not copy word for word from the content you are using to developing your own otherwise it become duplicate content.

      Another very good place where you can get loads of content that you can use in write your own article is by visiting online stores such as amazon or online book store, you have to go through the category that talks about your niche and read through the content as this will help in developing yours. 

On the other hand you can make use of google search engine in looking for blogs related to your  topic that has content similar to what you  want to write about, there is no secrets about it, this is what exactly professional writers and webmaster do to write great content.

Ø      Write the article with SEO in mind
After gathering all the needed or main point you need for your content, it is time you start writing, as earlier said all you have to do is to read and rephrase them in your on words. 

But if you must write you have to bear in mind search optimization  factor, this means placing your keyword on each paragraph of the article including the title, it must be done in a manner that it can be read by humans and the same time search engine friendly .

Most article directories need about 450 to 500 words of content before you can submit to them hence your write-up must be within this range for it to be accepted and before submitting it is important you proofread, that means read through once again correcting all error that might be in the writing pieces, checking grammar, the flow or words, sentences and punctuation marks. 

When all on this is done well be rest assured that your article will fly if you submit it to your site or article directories it will surly receive mass view, just keep writing more using different keyword. Wish you the best in your writing career.