In this post am going to talk about how you can effectively generate free traffic from Facebook groups.
As a beginner with a small business start-up, it's unwise to spend money on Facebook ads, it's best you learn the ins and out of how to get free traffic from Facebook groups
Without wasting time, let's start now. There are so many tips to learn from this post.
Steps To Get Traffic From Facebook Groups
1. The first step to start is looking for groups related to your niche. This is one of the best practices in getting targeted traffic to your site.You may want to know how to find this niche group, very simple, go to the Facebook search box type in your niche keywords then click on group section then you will see all the groups related to the keywords you typed on the search bar.
The one question you will be asking is what is the criteria in joining a group?
A: look for groups that have a considerable amount of members say about five thousand members above.
This is just my own threshold, but you can set your own depending on your niche.
B: Another very important tip to consider is how active is the group.
When joining a group make such you visit the group page to see group activities, if it's only the group owner participating or posting in the group, that means it's an inactive group and you cannot get traffic from such a group. Even if you have joined that group, leave the group as soon as possible.
C. For Each of the groups you joined, it's imperative you read the rules and regulations of such groups as this will be a guide not to be banned or blacklisted from the group.
2. Join as many Facebook groups as you can. Don't expect traffic from being a member of a few groups, it's the key to massive free traffic.
3. Participate in promo days, most groups have their days whereby members are allowed to make a promotional post with links linking back to their site, to be smart with this have a spreadsheet of all the promo days on the groups you belong to, this way it will be much easier promoting your website.
4. Posting quality content: Your content may be in the of images, articles, or videos. Whichever one you choose as your content, it should be something worth sharing, which in tune lead to viral.
The question is how do I know my content is quality? simple any content that gets your attention that will make you want to click through is said to be viral content. So make sure your post-meet that requirement, then you are on your way to a free surge of traffic from Facebook groups.
5. Creating a couple of minutes of videos and posting them in groups is a surefire way of getting traffic to your website from Facebook groups. Now what I do is always make a one-minute video giving a short summary of what they will benefit from visiting my site as well as directing them to click the link in the comment below.
You know in group postings it's hard to include links, so the best way to do so is that I be the first to make a comment after the video upload. All I tell my viewers is to click the link.
This might be a very short article on getting traffic from Facebook, but very effective tips give it a trial today and see your traffic soarer high to the sky.